
A fluid relationship.

Solid Liquids

Solid Liquids is a unique concept. Describing themselves as an experienced team of bartenders, bar managers, educators, and drinks enthusiasts, they’re our kind of guys. Creative, risk-taking, irreverent and ambitious.

Solid Liquids logos

We get along famously and we’ve been rewarded with a string of commissions including the original brand identity design and guidelines and creation of all of their sub-brands since: The Juniper Gin Festival, The Cocktail Kitchen, Beer Union and The Phoenix.

Solid Liquids Juniper Gin Festival Materials
Solid Liquids Juniper Gin Festival Materials Solid Liquids Juniper Gin Festival Materials

The annual Juniper Festival has become such a success that we’ve become a sponsor as well as creating all of its marketing collateral, display advertising and creating video content for online usage and print advertising. 

Cheers guys.

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